Transitioning Youth Resource Fair
When: October 19th, 2024 From: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Where: Dukes Student Center
Prince George's Community College
301 Largo Rd, Largo, MD 20774
Conference Rooms A-C, 2nd Floor

What happens after high school? How can you start preparing today?

Parents, teachers, youth with disabilities, and others can find lots of resources in one place! The event will be held on October 19 from 1:00-4:00 at Prince George’s Community College.
· Event Registration
Families with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be introduced to multiple participating community organizations including employment support agencies, benefit specialists, provider agencies, community resources, and more. Registration to attend the event is free. Register here
Thank You To Our Exhibitors
We would like to thank the following exhibitors for participating in our Transitioning Youth Spring
Fair on April 24, 2024. Your participation truly made a difference to the lives of the families who
attended. We could not have accomplished so much without your help.