Advocacy Page: Create an email to send to your county council member
1. Enter your information in the form below
2. Enter your zip code in the zip field box and press the search button
3. Your council member will appear in the boxes below
4. Choose the <copy> button send include the council member's name and email in the text message
5. Review the email body text and press <copy to clipboard>.
6. Select <Generate an email> and paste the email body text into your email
7. Move or copy the council members email address into the to: in your email (note: the council members email is at the top of the email body text)
Step 1. Enter your information below:
The select the <Submit>
Thank you for submitting your information
Step 4. Below is the body of the email
Review the contents and then press <copy to clipboard> at the bottom.
When the Airpark was first established in the 1957, it was surrounded by farmland. Now 75 years later it is in the center of a residential and commercial hub in the center of Montgomery County.
Established as a "Country Club" for wealthy pilots to indulge their very expensive hobby of flying airplanes it worked well for many years in the community. But then they got greedy. They decided to open flight schools to subsidize their very expensive hobby.
Now with over 7 flight schools and dozens of planes the Montgomery County Airpark is no longer a quaint, bucolic place for the few wealthy to while away their free time, it is a noisy, polluting annoyance in the center of Montgomery County.
And who is suffering from this? We, the residence around the Airpark. We are the ones who are bearing the brunt of this problem.
Step 2. Enter your zip code below:
Press <Search> when ready
Step 3. Below is the name and email address of your Council Member based on your zip code. If correct press <copy>
Prince Georges County Council Member
Step 5. Open your email program
When you select the generate email button below - you will go to your local email program.
Paste the body of the email into your email program
Copy the email address for your council member to the to: line of your email
You can modify the subject line and the body of the email before you send it.